Escalate Pilot Program
Thank you for agreeing to help us test Escalate!
After registering, you'll receive invitations to our LMS - LearnUpon, and to Slack within 24 hours. Please accept both. We ask that you spend about 10 hours using the product over the next 5 days.
We'll send you a survey about your experience and also offer live opportunities to give feedback.
For your help, you'll receive a $50 Amazon e-gift card.
What is Escalate?
Escalate is a startup company designed to help frontline workers get the skills they need to move directly into a new role after 12 months. Workers average 5 - 10 hours of learning per week, accessible on their phone or computer at home. Throughout, they are supported by Escalate’s Learner Success Champions ensuring that they’re successful in this
journey. The training is provided at no cost to them!